Orthopedic Physical Therapy

Sound familiar? You love fitness, but you’re modifying or missing workouts because of pain or an injury. You’ve tried some things to improve your mobility or break through a training plateau, but didn’t get the results you wanted. You need a professional that can fix your pain and shares your same fitness goals. We get it. We’ve had our own aches, pains, major injuries that kept us from doing workouts or getting our next PR. We’ve also had treatments that didn’t understand our need to not only stay active and healthy, but achieve elite fitness. “Just rest” is NOT a solution for us and it doesn’t have to be for you either. We’re the total body shop. We’re trained to treat new and old injuries from head to toe, one at a time, or multiple injuries and pain points at once. We utilize specialized testing, hands on manual therapy techniques such as joint mobilizations, manipulations, muscle energy, Muscle Activation Technique (MAT), Graston/ASTYM and dry needling and most importantly a fitness forward approach to your rehabilitation to get you moving better immediately.

Check out all of the areas and conditions below that we don’t just treat…

…we’re experts at rehabbing and getting you back to to the gym today!

best shoulder pain treatment, Columbus, OH

Shoulder Pain

best hip & knee pain treatment, Columbus, OH

Hip & Knee Pain

best back pain treatment, Columbus, OH

Back Pain

best foot & ankle pain treatment, Columbus, OH

Foot & Ankle Pain

best elbow, wrist, hand pain treatment, Columbus, OH

Elbow, Wrist & Hand Pain

best headache, neck, jaw pain treatment, Columbus, OH

Headaches, Neck & Jaw Pain